Lawn Drought Stress or Pests? Know the Signs!

Summer’s officially here! While we dream of grilling and soaking up the sun on lush lawns, scorching temperatures can also bring hidden threats.Here’s how to tell if your lawn is suffering from drought stress or sneaky insect damage and what to do about it. Signs of Drought Stress in Lawns Even well-maintained lawns sometimes fall…

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How to Spot Lawn Grub Damage in Your Lawn and What to Do About It

grub damage

Lawn grubs can damage your beautiful yard in a season. And I see it all the time in Willoughby, OH, and other northeastern, OH, lawns Maybe you’ve heard of, or even seen, Japanese Beetles (also called June Beetles) feeding on your roses. Boy, how frustrating it is to see your prized plants and flowers destroyed…

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