Add Our Liquid Organic Aeration Service to Your Lawn Care Package Anytime
Have the thickest, greenest lawn in your neighborhood.

Create Space Deep in the Soil
good soil

Grow 12 Inch Deep Roots
thick grass

Play in Thick Green Grass
beautiful lawn
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How does liquid organic aeration work?
Benefits of Liquid Organic Aeration
over mechanical aeration, when applied by Ohio State licensed technicians

Soil Moisture Retained
When a lawn service mechanically aerates your yard each year, they pull finger-sized plugs out of the lawn. Shallow roots dry out quickly during summer months by comparison.
The Liquid Aeration Difference
With liquid aeration, we apply the organic product to the surface of your lawn. The liquid forces soil particles apart, creating space for air, water, and nutrients to penetrate. So your lawn retains moisture and nutrients more effectively.

100% Aeration
With mechanical aeration, the removal of plugs physically aerates about 5% of your lawn to about 2 inches in depth. With liquid aeration, we aerate 100% of your lawn to 12 inches in depth.
100% of Your Lawn Needs Nutrients
Instead of aerating 5% of your lawn to 2 inches of depth, liquid aeration works on 100% of your lawn, to a depth of 12 inches! The extra depth allows your lawn's roots to grow deep and access nutrients that are already in the soil.

Less Competition From Tree Roots
The feeder roots around your trees are 3-4" deep. Organic aerate makes the roots in your grass 12" deep so there's less competition from your trees.
Deep Roots Find What They Need
When grass roots can grow deep, they no longer have to compete with the root systems of trees or other plants in your lawn. That includes weeds! Shallow roots allow crabgrass and weeds to thrive. Deep roots mean thick, healthy grass.

Reduces Disease, Injury, and Stress
A healthy grass plant is its own best defense against insects, diseases, and weeds.
Liquid Aeration Protects While it Grows
Liquid aeration pushes compacted soil particles apart without physically removing any material from the ground. This method is gentler on the grass and soil, reducing the risk of injury or disease. And best of all, there's no damage to utilities, fencing, or irrigation systems!