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Lawn Care Services in Wickliffe, OH

Together We’ll Build the Best Lawn You’ve Ever Had

You mow the lawn, we’ll do the rest.

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Improve the Soil

good soil

noun-grass-5519405-F8F5EE (1) (1)

Thick Green Grass

thick grass

fruit tree icon

Enjoy Your Lawn

beautiful lawn

What’s Included in Every Lawn Care Package

applied by Ohio State licensed technicians

Services - Lawn Care - organic nutrients

Organic Nutrients Included

With 45+ years serving northeast, OH, we include organic nutrients and materials to feed your roots and create healthy soil. We start by learning your goals and experience with your lawn. And we know what works best for our lawns right here in Ohio.

Highly Trained Lawn Technicians

Our goal is to help you have a healthy, green lawn, and our top priority is to keep your family safe. At Ecolawn™, we only use top-quality professional products that have been approved by the EPA, and we apply them with expert precision.

Services - Lawn Care - Grub Control

Guaranteed Grub Protector

Grubs eat lawn roots, causing huge sections of grass to turn brown and die. Our guaranteed grub protector prevents grubs from feeding on your lawn. And you get grub control with every lawn care package.

Why Protect Against Grubs?

Here’s what happens when you don’t protect against grubs:

  • You see wildlife such as raccoons, skunks, or birds digging up your yard.
  • There are dead patches in your yard.
  • The turf pulls back like loose carpet.

Services - Lawn Care - Weed Management

Spot Weed Treatment

We start early in the season with a combination of weed preventers and control for weeds that are already present. Our recommendations align with your goals. We feed the soil and make your lawn so healthy, weeds can’t survive.

Thick grass has fewer weeds!

That’s because the lawn’s so thick, the weeds don’t have room to grow. And the few that pop-up can easily disappear with a weed spot treatment here and there.

Services - Lawn Care - Disease Treatment

Crab Grass Pre-emergent

Save money and time by preventing crab grass before it spreads. Crab grass can make a lawn look patchy, and it chokes the good grass growth out. We apply pre-emergent to prevent crab grass growth before it starts.

Crab grass pre-emergent

Our best lawn care program includes two crab grass pre-emergent treatments. These treatments prevent the growth of this common weed before it starts. With pre-emergent treatment, your grass won’t have to compete for nutrients. The good grasses will grow healthy root systems, making the lawn thick and green!

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Frequently Asked Lawn Care Questions

Are your lawn care treatments safe? Expand

Most lawn care companies and DIY 4-step programs typically contain large amounts of nitrogen that forces your grass to grow fast and green.

Because we focus on feeding your lawn with organic nutrients to keep it healthy, thick, and green, we don’t have to use a lot of weed control. The healthy growth doesn’t leave room for weeds to grow.

And if the occasional weed pops up, we only use products approved by the EPA and apply them safely and in strict accordance with their label.

We recommend you wait about an hour-until the dust has settled or sprays have dried-before using your lawn after our treatment.

Want to know more about our safe lawn treatments? Read this article about how we feed your lawn here.

Will my lawn be weed free? Expand

Because we feed your lawn with organic matter, your grass will leave almost no room for weeds to grow. However, if the occasional weed pops up, we use a tiny bit of control product to make it sick so the grass can take over.

Our clients often remark that their lawns are “weed free.” And that’s because the lawns we serve are so healthy, the grass stays thick and green!

Are your products friendly to the environment? Expand

They sure are! While most lawn care companies use lots of chemicals to destroy weeds and force short-term grass growth, our philosophy is that creating a healthy lawn gives you long-term growth.

We feed your lawn with organic matter, so your grass builds a healthy root system. That root system keeps nutrients locked into the soil instead of allowing them to run off. That means nutrients are available whenever you lawn needs them, without using unnecessary chemicals.

When the occasional weed pops up, we use a tiny amount of control product to kill the weed, allowing the healthy grass to thrive. We only use products approved by the EPA and apply them safely and in strict accordance with their label. Once those products are dry, your lawn is healthy and ready for use by pets, children, and all of your friends!

Will fleas and ticks be eliminated? Expand

Our top lawn care programs include surface insect treatments. Surface insect treatments will reduce the flea and tick population. However, if your lawn has a specific flea and tick problem, you might need a more targeted program. Take a look at our pest control packages here.

How long before I’ll start to see results in my lawn? Expand

Most of our customers say they see improvement in their lawn within 2 – 3 months. But the best results from our healthy lawn programs come after 1 – 2 years of continued lawn feeding!