Home » Lawn Maintenance » Ecolawn’s Fall Lawn Maintenance Checklist for Northeast Ohio

Ecolawn’s Fall Lawn Maintenance Checklist for Northeast Ohio

Whether you love to DIY or hire the pros, with our checklist, you’ll be ready to tackle your fall lawn maintenance in no time.

Picture it: It’s been a long summer, and you’ve been enjoying your barbecues and vacations. Your grass has been exposed to the summer elements. As fall approaches, you’ll see increased rainfall and cooler temps. This is the perfect time to refocus your attention on your lawn, because it’s one of the best ways to get a lush green lawn in spring and summer.

Ecolawn’s foolproof fall lawn maintenance checklist will help you give your lawn all of the love it deserves during pumpkin spice season.

Your Fall Lawn Maintenance Checklist At a Glance:

Spot Treat for Weeds


Overseed (or Replant)

Feed Your Lawn

Feed Ornamental Trees

Don’t Pass on Irrigation

Go Shorter, But not Until It’s Time!

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Spot Treat for Weeds

Some lawns will see weeds that come up because they thrive during the dry heat. We can spot treat these weeds, but Overseeding now with drought and heat tolerant grasses will help keep those weeds down next fall.


If you didn’t aerate in the Spring, early fall is another great opportunity to do this.  Because your lawn is very active at the end of the growing season, it will respond really well to Organic Liquid Aeration treatments, setting your lawn up for maximum growth next Spring!

Overseed (or Replant)

Mid-September is also the perfect time for overseeding and replanting. 

Our all time favorite grass for Mentor landscapes is turf type tall fescue. It really holds up to the Northern Ohio summers. If you overseed now, you’ll give the fescue time to root and establish during the fall and winter, so it will thrive in the spring.

Let us know if you overseed your lawn before our next service. We’ll avoid treating any broadleaf weeds in the seeded area, giving your new seedlings the opportunity to get established. This will lead to more density and a more successful spring, summer, and fall next year.

Feed Your Lawn 

Fertilizing your lawn in the fall is a great way to help it establish strong roots and store up nutrients.  This will create a resilient, pest and disease resistant lawn come spring.

🎃 Now that your fall landscape is looking great, try some sustainable fall decor ideas!

Feed Ornamental Trees

Fall is also a great time to feed your ornamental landscape trees. If you hired a landscape company, you may have spent thousands of dollars for beautiful ornamental trees. Feeding them will help to protect that investment.

Here in Willoughby, we’re talking younger birch, crabapple, cherry, linden, blue spruce, austrian pines and white pines.

While we love to offer our ornamental tree feeding as an add-on to our lawn care packages, you can call us and purchase a one-time tree feeding whether you’re a lawn care client or not. 

Don’t Pass on Irrigation

Make sure your lawn continues to get 1 – 1 ½ inches per week.  If the rain alone doesn’t reach that mark, add watering sessions as needed to keep your lawn adequately hydrated through the end of the growing season.

Go Shorter, But Not Until It’s Time!

We advise all of our customers in Perry to keep those mower blades at full height until the last mow – after all of the leaves are gone.  

For that last mow of the season around mid-November, go ahead and move your mower blades to the center setting for a shorter cut.  This will help stave off moisture-related diseases, such as snow mold.

It’s What We Do

If you’re already an Ecolawn customer, many of your fall checklist items are likely to be included in your service plan, so the work is done for you! If you’d like to learn how Ecolawn can help you get your fall maintenance tasks checked off your to-do list, contact us for your complimentary consultation!


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